Samonie Shaa


Name spellings include Samonie Shaa, Saimonie Shaa

Born in 1995 in Cape Dorset,  Samonie Shaa is a budding younger carver who has watched and learned from his grandfather Aqjangajuk Shaa and his father Isacie Petaulassie. Samonie regularly helps Isacie by filing and sanding his carvings.  Samonie is an excellent sander and his father feels he is the best at finishing a piece.  He spends time with his dad and his grandfather observing, helping and asking questions and his style is a result of these influences.

Before Samonie begins carving, he envisions what he would like to make based on the shape of the stone. His work has fluidity and movement and it is evident in his carvings of elegant, dancing bears.  He is inspired by the work of his father and grandfather, and hopes to follow in their footsteps as a prominent and successful artist. 

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