Erich Glendale
Erich Glendale is a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw Nation. He was born in Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada in 1972. His family is from Knight’s Inlet (also in British Columbia, Canada). Erich now resides in Port Alberni, British Columbia.
Erich was raised and grew up in Alberta and Ontario before returning to Vancouver where he began carving in 1990. His preference of carving material is yellow cedar with which he shapes each work with carving tools to fabricate rattles, masks, totems, panels, bowls, and other sculptural pieces that reflect his tribal history of the Kwakwaka’wakw Nation.
Erich’s work is recognizable for his imaginative clan designs; eagle, beaver and killer whale and so forth that are carved in wood, silver, copper and gold. He was trained under the teachings of Gordon Dick (Nuu-chah-nulth).
His carved wood and jewelry pieces can be found at fine art galleries and in private collections worldwide.